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Welcome To SS International University
What is SS International University

SS International University is an Autonomous University since 2000 and an Online & Distance Education University since 2004, which has got MEMBERSHIPS: US Distance Learning Association (USDLA), Committee for Distance Education Accreditation (CDEA), International Accreditation Organization for Online Universities (IAAOU), The Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation (UCOEA), Institute of Electronics & Electrical Engineers (IEEE-Applied), AIMS-ATMA, BMAT-AAMERD, INDIA,  International Society for Technical Education (ISTE-Applied), KVQA, Norsk Akkrediering MSYS 007 and an ISO:9001:2008. We are one of the leading Online and Distance Education Universities catering to the educational needs of thousands of working adults and students through a comprehensive Certificate/Diploma/Bachelor/Master/M.Phill/Ph.D Certification programme in all major disciplines. SS International University (SSIU) offers a truly diverse range of majors under its various Certification programmes, allowing you to get recognition for your life long learning (experience) without attending regular classes and studying by means of Off-campus centers. All the majors and courses we offer are frequently REVIEWED and new majors are constantly being added in order to reflect the ever expanding range of professional fields in today’s world.
The University reserves 15% seats for Poor, Backward Classes, Armed Forces Personnel, War Widow Children, Physically Handicapped, and Slum Children in each stream for admission. A 10% discount on fee is also permissible to them subject to verification of relevant documentary proof.

The University also offers scholarship of 50% fee waiver to meritorious and poor students and decision to this effect strictly rests on the management.
Committee for Distance Education Accreditation
(International Accreditation and Quality Certification)
Committee for Distance Education Accreditation (CDEA) is listed in the UNESCO Higher Education Institutions Registry (HEIR), under United States of America. UNESCO is the Educational Arm of the United Nations and is recognized by the Departments of Education of all countries members of the Lisbon Convention, including the U.S. Department of Education.
""The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) is the leading voice on educator preparation. AACTE represents more than 800 institutions with educator preparation programs dedicated to high-quality, evidence-based preparation that assures educators are ready to teach all learners.""
Director’s Message

Hello and welcome to SS International University !

I am Director of SS International University. I hope this page will give you an overview of what SS International University is all about and the distinct benefits to professionals and working professionals to be gained from our Certificate / Diploma / Bachelor / Master / M. Philosophy / Ph. D Certification programmes. Let me begin by telling you about the extensive variety of majors, we offer, under each Certification programme. You will find no other University offering such a wide variety of majors. Not only that, but if you are unable to find your required major in Certificate / Diploma / Bachelor / Master / M. Philosophy / Ph. D curricula, then SS International makes appropriate arrangements for the exclusive availability for that major. Our evaluation faculty, which heads these programmes, is highly competent and second to none in terms of expertise and experience. Here, I would like to inform that our programmes combine highly researched curriculum integrated with industry relevant concepts and practices. SS International University offers a unique blend of theoretical and cutting edge inputs to students making them technically all round professionals. In the knowledge and skill section it is designed to be comprehensive but user friendly as possible. So whether you work in a larger or small organization or are still preparing for a future career, it is hoped that, these management and technical programmes will set you think critically about such issues as accountability, efficiency, development and changes. We hope too, that it will help you play your part – as we all must – in constantly finding better ways of managing our social and business needs in the future. SS International University is An ISO: 9001:2008 certified and one of the country’s leading educational autonomous University with international standards. Our Certificate / Diploma / Bachelor / Master / M. Philosophy / Ph. D Certification programmes are offered under Article 29 & 30 of the constitution of India for welfare of minorities and depressed class of people and also functioning for flourishment of Hindi language under Article 351 of the constitution of India. Our courses are benchmark and an acknowledgement of one’s prior knowledge. These are designed to help our students reach their personal and career goals.
Those who are short of time and wish to upgrade their skills; knowledge for success can choose courses where they can keep themselves connected to the faculty and co-learners. They can opt for online examination to save their time and can re-attempt thrice if chosen wrong answers. It is an enthusiastic attempt by SSIU to expose the best of International Technologies and Management principles, practices and managerial / team leading functions to the student’s as well corporate entities.
We encourage our students to choose SS International University’s associated colleges as your institute for future. We invite all those who share our vision, goals and purpose to join hands in our efforts to build a new cadre of management and technical professionals who wish and will participate actively in the growth of this era of economic, liberalization and globalization.



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Why SSI University
SSIUniversity paves a path to early success in life through its correspondence courses. These courses consist of concepts, case studies and industrial training that provide broad exposure to relevant business concepts, technical skills and management specifics. This helps them to get started as “Managers” / “Team Leaders” by enhancing their productivity, capability to formulate business policies and handling of technical data, strategies and their implications for the organization.
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